The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal books,
Wycliffe, John, d. 1384., Forshall, Josiah, 1795-1863., Madden, Frederic, 1801-1873.

*. [The first epistle to Tessalonycense.]CAP. I.

[verse 1] Poul, apostle*. [Om. V.], and Siluan, and Tymo|the, to the chirche of Tessalonycensis*. [Tes|salonycense P.], in God, oure*. [the O.] fadir, and the*. [oure O. in the V.] Lord Jhesu Crist, `grace to ȝou, and pees*. [grace and pees to ȝou V.]. [verse 2] We don thankingis to God euermore for alle ȝou, makinge*. [and we maken V.] mynde of ȝou in oure preieris Page  441 withoute ceessynge; we*. [Om. X.] myndeful of `ȝoure werk of feith*. [the werk of ȝoure feith V.], and traueil, and charite, and susteynyng*. [abyding V.] of the hope of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, bifore `the Lord*. [God V.] and oure fadir. [verse 4] We witynge, ȝe*. [Om. QST.] moost*. [the G. Om. V.] loued britheren of `the Lord*. [God V.], ȝoure ches|yng; [verse 5] for oure gospel was not at ȝou in word oonli, but in*. [also in V.] vertu, and in the Hooly Goost, and in*. [Om. KQ.] moche plente; as ȝe witen, what maner men we weren in [verse 6] ȝou for ȝou; and ȝe ben maad oure foloweris, and of the Lord, resceyuynge the word in moche tribulacioun, with ioye [verse 7] of the Hooly Goost; so that ȝe ben maad fourme, `or ensaumple*. [or exsaumple S. Om. X.], to alle men bi|leuynge, in Macedonye and in*. [Om. GMPQT.] Achaye. [verse 8] Forsoth*. [For V.] of ȝou the word of the Lord is defamyd*. [moche told O. pup|plischid V.], `or moche told*. [or greetly tolde GMP. Om. oX. or greetly told oute to othir QT.], not oonly in Macedonye and Achaye*. [in Acaie SW.], but in ech place ȝoure*. [oure Y.] feith that is to*. [Om. O.] God, is parfyt*. [goon forth V.]; so that it*. [Om. G pr. m.] is not*. [no X.] nede for*. [Om. S. to us for V.] to speke `to ȝou*. [Om. V.] `ony thing*. [Om. O.]. [verse 9] Forsoth*. [For V.] thei schewen of ȝou, what maner entre we hadden to ȝou, and hou ȝe ben conuertid to God fro symylacris, for*. [Om. SX.] to serue to quyk God [verse 10] and very; and for to abide his sone fro heuenes, whom he reisyde fro deede men*. [Om. X.], Jhesu*. [the Lord Jhesu V.], that delyuerede vs fro wraththe to comynge*. [comen SX.].